Jump Starts

Car Battery Jump Start Service

Automobile batteries die at the worst possible moments. It seems the engine doesn’t receive enough power to turn over when our community members need to get to work, make it to an appointment, or have family members waiting for a ride.

If there’s good news about being temporarily stuck, Bill & Wag’s Inc. provides quick battery jump-start service in Ontario, Redlands, and the surrounding California areas. With convenient locations near Inland Empire interstates, highways, and suburban locations, our roadside assistance vehicles can reach you quickly.

Our experienced battery jump-start service providers arrive with the tools, technologies, and hands-on experience to power up your battery and restart the engine. If you require car battery jump start service, we respond 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

To learn more about our 24/7 Battery Jump Start Service and to speak to a member of our team, call us at

Why Did My Car Battery Die?

Automobile batteries are products that have a defined life expectancy. Like other automotive parts and components, many things can negatively impact them. Many reasons people call Bill & Wag’s Inc. for battery jump start service have identifiable and avoidable causes. As a community-based roadside assistance organization, we’d like to share why car, truck, SUV, and RV batteries lose their charge and what you can do about it.

Extreme Cold

Batteries function at their best when the temperature hovers around 80 degrees. Anything higher or lower can interfere with the product’s normal processes. When the thermometer drops down into the 40s or 30s, the liquids inside the battery struggle to move efficiently and lose charge. The same liquids can evaporate when the Inland Empire experiences extreme summer heat into the 90s. You could need a quick battery jump start to get up and running in both scenarios.

Infrequent Use

Car, truck, SUV, and recreational vehicle batteries must be recharged regularly. This happens when you run the engine, and the alternator sends a charge to the battery, where it is stored. Over time, battery charges naturally wane until they cannot push out enough electricity to start the engine. That’s largely why seasonally used motorhomes, and secondary vehicles require jump starts after sitting idle. The solution is to run the engine on these vehicles regularly.

Failure to Keep the Battery Clean

Keeping battery terminals and cables clean is essential to transferring power to the starter. Power flow can be compromised when greenish acids build up on the terminals. The same acid can also eat away at the cables, preventing energy from reaching the starter. Failing to keep terminals and cables clean can also prove costly because they may require replacement. We recommend having your battery, terminals, and cables serviced and cleaned when you come in for an oil change.

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RV Jump Start Services When it Matters Most

Redlands and Ontario residents, vacationers, and retirees want to maximize their leisure time, and dead batteries negatively impact the peaceful enjoyment of recreational vehicles. With over 50 years of providing quick roadside assistance in the Inland Empire, we routinely perform RV jump-start services at local homes, campgrounds, parks, highways, and back roads. If your RV won’t power up, we can send a battery jump-start service specialist right now.

RVs require powerful batteries to operate the engine and essential onboard systems, making a dead battery especially frustrating. Our team arrives equipped with the right equipment to handle larger batteries, ensuring a quick and effective jump start to get you back on your journey. If the issue goes beyond a drained battery, we can assess the situation and recommend further assistance, including battery replacement or RV towing to a nearby repair facility.

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